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The Creators

Music Producers & Sound Designers Blazing the Trail to a World Feeling Music & Sound



"SUBPAC has been essential to my production work for years, and I won't work or mix without it. Late at night, when my ears might get tired, I can turn down the volume and still know what's going on with the low end."
Listen to his
SUBPAC Optimized™
track now.



"Love my SUBPAC! It really gives me a great understanding of what’s going on in the low end of a track."
Listen to his
SUBPAC Optimized™
track now.



"The SUBPAC allows us to feel the low end vibrations that you have to usually go to a club or concert to experience and has become an essential tool for our music production - whether in the studio or at 30,000 feet in the sky while flying around the planet on tour."
Listen to their
SUBPAC Optimized™
track now.


Eddie Cole

"As a live musician, it's really amazing to experience this dimension of sound. It's a revolution for the deaf community. It's a game changer for the engineer that's stuck in a hotel room or tour bus and has to make that deadline. From career musicians to the most avid of gamers, SUBPAC is for everyone. Welcome to the future."



"As you know in DUB, the bass is the most important.. with the SUBPAC we can trust that the listener can scientifically feel what we produce in the studio."


Ganja White Night

"The use of low frequency sound is just inherent with our music style, The SUBPAC as a great reference to monitor the subsonic frequencies in the studio. It's a great tool for any studio, both professional or amateur."


Crissy Criss

"It's fucking amazing! It's literally changed my life! I've been able to hit that bottom-end on mix downs recently without having to wake the neighbours up at silly o'clock!"


Adrian Sherwood

"Without a doubt, the most useful studio tool I have come across in many years!"


ilan Bluestone

"I've never felt something with such an accurate low end response- to the point that I can feel it in every detail. Absolutely incredible!"



"This amazing tool has taken my experience of producing and listening to music to a whole new dimension. Bass is an obsession with me, and now I can feel it more than ever."



"The SUBPAC is so accurate and intuitive it has fast become a reliable tool in my studio for balancing bottom end. Almost immediately you can tell if your subs are tight, which is so important for the music I make."



"Using the SUBPAC has dramatically cut down the amount of time I need to spend ensuring my bass & kick are working together. Essential studio tool!"
Get his
SUBPAC Optimized™
Production Tools now.