"SUBPAC has opened up a whole new dimension of immersive physical audio for me. It’s as useful in the studio as it is during live events. For everything that our ears miss, SUBPAC fills the gap."
Q&A with SNR about the SUBPAC:
What role does “feeling” play in the music you make and love?
Everything I make in the studio stems from a feeling”. Usually it starts in more of an emotional context as I develop the core musical idea for a song. But as the idea grows and I move on to the engineering and sound design stages I usually associate the feeling” with how crisp and clean it sounds, especially on the low end. Understanding feeling” is important to me because this is generally how the casual listener is going to interpret my music.
Has the SUBPAC changed the way you create, produce or mix music?
SUBPAC takes the guesswork out of making my songs successfully translate from my studio to big club and festival sound systems. I used to plant my face against my subwoofer to check if the low end punched through properly in my mixes. Now I have a SUBPAC permanently attached to my studio chair
How could “physical audio” change our relationship to sound and music in the future?
“Physical audio” is almost like acquiring a new sense. Once you’ve experienced it, it’s hard to imagine how you lived without it for so long! Our relationship to sound and music is going to become a whole lot more immersive. It’s also going to make it so much easier to get lost in the music”.
What excited you about the Feel SUBPAC project?
I’m pretty excited for the FEEL.SUBPAC project because it’s going to encourage writing content around a whole new dimension of audio. It’s a brand new way to get ideas across and I think we’ll see a lot of unique creations.
Swapneel “SNR” Ukhalkar is an enterprising music producer who’s part of an exciting generation of new electronic artists erupting into the mainstream. A California-grown Indian, he spent most of his childhood tinkering with computers and designing software algorithms. After earning engineering degrees from UC Santa Barbara and Carnegie Mellon University he went on to study music at Pyramind in San Francisco.
Soon afterwards he founded the independent record label Adrenalin Room, which has grown into one of San Francisco’s most reputed beacons for dance music and events. SNR’s tracks are consistently forward-thinking and musically rich. His synthesis of melodic soundscapes and bass music is as beautiful as it is addictive. As his popularity rises, SNR has been breaking into main stages worldwide. Read More...