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When you see SUBPAC OPTMIZED™ it indicates that the media you are enjoying has been optimized for feeling. The SUBPAC optimized™ mark can be seen alongside music recordings, video games, virtual reality experiences and movies too, all created to enable you to physically feel the music and sound with your body.

The goal of SUBPAC optimized™ media is to give you the most high fidelity,
impactful and immersive experience possible.

SUBPAC optimized

Unlike traditional entertainment whose audio is only heard through speakers or headphones, SUBPAC Optimized™ media offers you a visceral, full-body experience when used with our Physical Audio products both at home or in theaters or automobile seats outfitted with our technology.

We collaborate with music producers, video game designers, film composers and sonic architects of all types so they can create audio experiences that are optimized for feeling using our Physical Audio products. We also help promote SUBPAC Optimized™ media to consumers through our marketing efforts & partnerships.